- What letter is like a ladder? 什么字母像梯子?
- What letter is like a false friend? 什么字母是一个虚伪的朋友?
- What letter is a large body of water? 什么字母是一大片水域?
- What letter is most precious for a deaf old lady? 什么字母对于耳背的老太尤其珍贵?
- However, this swivel ladder is like a ladder installed on a swing set, on which the people can hold on to it and rotate. 这种转梯是一个类似梯子的东西安装在秋千架上,人们可以握住梯子并使它转动。
- She is like a child lusting for toys. 她像一个渴望玩具的小孩。
- What vegetable is like a chicken farm? 什么蔬菜像个养鸡场?
- What letter is to be avoided if you want to borrow money? 要想借钱,就得避开什么字母?
- He is like a cock who though the sun has risen to hear him crow. 他像一只以为太阳出来是为了听他啼声的雄鸡。
- He is like a cat on hot brick before his driving test. 他面临驾驶考试,紧张得像热锅上的蚂蚁。
- A drunkard is like a whisky bottle, all neck and belly and no head. 酒鬼好比威士忌瓶,全是脖子跟肚子而没脑子。
- Which letter is like a pyramid? 哪个字母像金字塔?
- Lift is like a box of chocolate; you never know what you gonne get. 喜欢喝酒,喝醉都无所谓,但不希望是被灌醉!
- Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit: touch it, and the bloom is gone. 愚昧像个妖嫩奇异的水果,稍一触摸,就会失去其清新。
- China is like a giant awakening from a heavy sleep. 中国像一个从沉睡中觉醒的巨人。
- Good prose is like a window pane. 好文章是一块透亮的窗玻璃。
- The world is like a fleeting show. 人世如白驹过隙。
- What feeling is liking a person secretly? 偷偷喜欢一个人是什么感觉?
- What letter is an insect? 什么字母是一种昆虫?
- The whole scene is like a huge coloured tapestry. 景色似锦